Friday, November 30, 2012

Nimble and Pip

This is Pip
and this is Nimble
Every week 2 children from Room 12 get to take Nimble or Pip home. When you take Nimble or Pip home you need to take photos with them and write a little story about your adventures. Bring your photos to school on a memory stick or email your photos to . Your photos and story will be added to this website for all your family and friends to see.
Here is Mrs Collier with both Nimble and Pip.
Nimble and Pip meet Mrs Collier's cat called Neva. Neva wasn't quite sure about the 2 cheeky monkeys that had entered her house. After this photo was taken Neva ran away and then sniffed Nimble and Pip to make sure they were behaving themselves. Nimble and Pip had already had a big day because they had travelled all the way from Christchurch in an aeroplane. Once they arrived in Tauranga they went straight to Tauranga Musical Theatre to listen to some singing and dancing.
Nimble was so tired he ended up asleep on Nico the husky. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome to Room 12

Hello Parents and Caregivers of children in Room 12,

This is Room 12's blog where you can see your child's work and comment on their fantastic progress! The purpose of this blog is to encourage you and your child to discuss and reflect on their great work that is happening in the class. There are also activities and games that your child can interact with that will enhance the learning that is taking place in the classroom. Feel free to post positive comments on this page and encourage your child to do the same. :)

Mrs Collier