Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Hayley had a great weekend with Nimble.
Hayley and nimble stayed at her Aunties house.


My family and I took Pip to Bayfair. After we looked around Bayfair and bought toys for Daniel's birthday we went to McDonalds for lunch. Then we had a little play on the playgraound. Pip loved his time at Bayfair.

When we got home Pip helped us drill holes in the coconut Dad bought at the supermarket.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jack W

Nimble had a great adventure with me on the weekend to the airport to pick up my aunty Lianne.
She has arrived from Canada for a holiday with my family and me.
She flew on three differet planes. This is a photo of the smallest plane she went on.
Nimble likes the planes but they are very noisy

By Jack Wallbank